
The object is the person or thing affected by the action described in the verb. A verb may be followed by an object that completes the verb's meaning.
For example:
  • He wrote the book.
    * "book" is the object, created by the action of writing.
  • I saw the film.
    * "film" is the object, sensed by the subject seeing it.
Complex Objects
Like subjects, objects can be complex, consisting of the simple object and all the words which modify it.
For example:
  • I finally bought the dress I had tried on at least thirty times.
    * Simple object - dress
    * Complex object - the dress I had tried on at least thirty times
  • He chose the mangy puppy shivering over in the corner of the cage.
    * Simple object - puppy
    * Complex object - the mangy puppy shivering over in the corner of the cage.
Not all verbs are followed by objects.
For example:
  • The guest speaker rose from her chair to protest.
  • After work, Randy usually jogs around the canal.
Types of object
Two kinds of objects follow verbs: direct objects and indirect objects.
  • Direct object: Refers to a person or thing affected by the action of the verb.
  • Indirect object: Refers to a person or thing who receives the direct object.
For example:
  • He opened the door.
    * Here the door is the direct object as it is the thing being affected by the verb to open.
  • I gave him the book.
    * Here him (he) is the indirect object as he is the beneficiary of the action.
Types of objects are
 Direct Object
Indirect Object

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